Center for Negotiation Analysis
International Negotiation: A Journal of Theory and Practice
Contributing Articles and Proposals for Future Thematic Issues
International Negotiation: A Journal of Theory and Practice is a triannual peer-reviewed publication that seeks to enhance the theoretical foundations as well as the practical application of international negotiation and mediation processes. The Editorial Board encourages the contributions of articles and proposals for thematic issues.
· Articles that fit within the journal’s scope can be submitted for independent peer review
· Proposals for entire issues that study a particular problem are also welcome. Many issues of International Negotiation are thematic in nature — they tie together reviews of the state-of-the-art on a selected topic, introduce original research, present new concepts and methods, and identify future directions for study. Thus, these issues offer a coherent integrated perspective on a particular subject.
Manuscripts should be typed double-spaced with wide margins using American English spelling. The first page should contain the title, and the author's name, affiliation, mailing address, phone and fax numbers, and e-mail address. A 3-4 sentence biographical sketch for the author is desirable. The second page should include an abstract of no more than 250 words and 5-10 key words. Articles should be no longer than 12,000 words.
Proposals for thematic issues should include a 1-2 page description of the topic, a list of prospective authors and their tentative article titles, and an estimated time schedule.
Submit articles to International Negotiation online (click here).
Proposals for thematic issues should be sent by email attachment (Microsoft Word format) to: Dr. Bertram I. Spector, Editor-in-Chief (Click here to send email).
For detailed formatting instructions for authors, click here.